Monday, December 15, 2008

DC Rollergirls Holiday Bash

The DC Rollergirls holiday show was a lot of fun. Being in a bar, it was much more relaxed than previous shows I had been to. Also considering the location, Rock n Roll hotel, and the fact in was on a Sunday night, there was a lot more traffic than I expected.
The best part though? I won a ticket to their next game. I am so excited to see a derby!
See pictures at on tap magazine

Friday, May 2, 2008

I agreed to make couch cushions. I realize now how big of an undertaking this was. I didn't realize it when i agreed to it. I have been working on it for two nights and I have maybe 15" done. This means if I do nothing else, I think I can get one done a week. 6 done in 6 weeks. It is like my grandfather's blanket all over again. Except hopefully this won't take five months.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Look- I finished the scarf. Didn't it come out so pretty?

The answer to what to do with two small skeins of free yarn? Make wrislets obviously. I made one from each. The multi colored one is blocking right now and and the pink one is on etsy.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Knitty's Blanket

For the blanket, I wanted a varigated yarn. As knitpicks only has multicolored yarn for socks, I had to branch out. I decided on cascade 220 painted. So far I am really pleased with it. It is knitting up really easily. My problem really is that I think there is something wrong with the pattern. For the middle rows from about 10 to 25 there is on stitch less and then magically it shows up again. The first time I thought I had made a mistake, but it happened the second time through, so I have decided it's not my fault. Otherwise I think it will be really pretty when its done.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My friend wanted a scarf out of the Twist yarn from Knitpicks. I was very skeptical at first cause I thought it looked ugly on the website and when it arrived the ribbon and the orange brown looked very separate. It also felt a little like crepe paper. I have been pleasantly surprised so far. Knitted it comes together quite nicely, much more flexible than I had thought. The only complaint I have is that sometime the ribbon frays away from the loop.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Starting Etsy

I wanted to start this blog so that if anyone ever wandered over from my Etsy store they could see what I was working on before it went on sale. I just posted 8 hats. I had no idea it was going to take so long to put them up. I have such a hard time doing descriptions. I still have to do my profile, but how do you start the 200 or less words describing yourself?
I loved this sock. I think the herringbone pattern was so pretty. I ripped it out though for the technicolor hat. I didn't have enough for two socks anyway.